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The Top Three Priorities I will Fight For


Ensuring every student has all the resources for success.

Addressing student mental health


Smart start times and 
reliable transportation


Optimal class sizes


Creating a workable structure for attracting and keeping the best teachers in Anne Arundel County.

Pay in line with 
surrounding counties


Consistent, authentic, and supportive mentorship for 
new teachers


Teacher-driven, high-quality professional development


Holding the schools accountable for effectiveness and transparency.

Issues around equity, bias, and hate crimes addressed 
quickly, effectively, and transparently system-wide


Meeting special education needs fully and quickly and through
clear, transparent communication with families


Ensuring that school facilities are safe, secure, and meet the needs of all our children equitably

The Top Three Priorities I will Fight For


Ensuring every student has all the resources for success.

Addressing student mental health


Smart start times and 
reliable transportation


Optimal class sizes


Creating a workable structure for attracting and keeping the best teachers in Anne Arundel County.

Pay in line with 
surrounding counties


Consistent, authentic, and supportive mentorship for 
new teachers


Teacher-driven, high-quality professional development


Holding the schools accountable for effectiveness and transparency.

Issues around equity, bias, and hate crimes addressed 
quickly, effectively, and transparently system-wide


Meeting special education needs fully and quickly and through
clear, transparent communication with families


Ensuring that school facilities are safe, secure, and meet the needs of all our children equitably

The Top Three Priorities I will Fight For


Ensuring every student has all the resources for success.

Addressing student mental health


Smart start times and 
reliable transportation


Optimal class sizes


Creating a workable structure for attracting and keeping the best teachers in Anne Arundel County.

Pay in line with 
surrounding counties


Consistent, authentic, and supportive mentorship for 
new teachers


Teacher-driven, high-quality professional development


Holding the schools accountable for effectiveness and transparency.

Issues around equity, bias, and hate crimes addressed 
quickly, effectively, and transparently system-wide


Meeting special education needs fully and quickly and through
clear, transparent communication with families


Ensuring that school facilities are safe, secure, and meet the needs of all our children equitably

The Top Three Priorities I will Fight For


Ensuring every student has all the resources for success.

Addressing student mental health


Smart start times and 
reliable transportation


Optimal class sizes


Creating a workable structure for attracting and keeping the best teachers in Anne Arundel County.

Pay in line with 
surrounding counties


Consistent, authentic, and supportive mentorship for 
new teachers


Teacher-driven, high-quality professional development


Holding the schools accountable for effectiveness and transparency.

Issues around equity, bias, and hate crimes addressed 
quickly, effectively, and transparently system-wide


Meeting special education needs fully and quickly and through
clear, transparent communication with families


Ensuring that school facilities are safe, secure, and meet the needs of all our children equitably

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