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Homeschooling Resources

When it was announced that Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) would be closed and our children would be home at least until March 27, I began a search for the best resources possible for parents to use to help their children keep their minds sharp and brains nourished. I know, as a parent, it can be daunting to have the responsibility of constructing a routine that enables a child to continue learning and growing in their education without the day-to-day support of teachers and administrators.


For a number of years, I’ve experienced both sides of the coin, mother, and educator. As an educator, I had the opportunity to serve on a curricula review committee for a home-schooling umbrella run by Annapolis Friends Meeting (Quakers) for local families. As a reviewer, I’ve become acquainted with a number of excellent online resources that parents can use to teach. They are free and come from vetted, reputable sources. I want to share them with you, so please check out the list below. It also includes online and broadcast resources that AACPS is offering for students, as well as where food deliveries are available in Anne Arundel County every day for children ages 2-18.


I hope you find the links below useful. Please share this list with anyone you know who might benefit. And please tell me if you have additional resources you think should be included. I would love to hear your suggestions. By working together, we will all get through these trying times. 


Anne Arundel County Public Schools Resources


MEAL PICK-UP: AACPS is providing free breakfast, lunch and dinner to children ages 2 to 18 at 60 sites across the county. A schedule and complete list of meal sites can be found at


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